Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter 2 is a PC adaptation of the famous 1991 arcade fighting game from Capcom.
Ryu. If you're a fan of fighting games, then just the name is enough to take you straight back to the nostalgic world of Street Fighter. This successful series - which began way back in the 80s - started in the arcades and is still knocking around today on various platforms.
Street Fighter 2 adapts all the fun of the second installment of the series to the PC. That said, the computer game leaves much to be desired when you compare it to the old arcade game. That, and the fact that you probably won't get a group of guys standing behind you and cheering as you play....
Street fight
The Street Fighter 2 graphics look good, but neither the background nor the sound have been brought up to the PC version. The speed of movement in this adaptation of Street Fighter 2 is also much slower, even on powerful computers.
To compensate, Street Fighter 2 includes all eight characters from the original game. The commands are customizable, and you can choose between playing alone in the arcade mode or challenging a friend to a one-on-one fight.
For old-school arcade fighting games on the PC, you can't beat Street Fighter 2.
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